Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Blogging: what the cool kids are doing

In an attempt to be as cool as my friends (which by association with them, I am already succeeding) I have decided to start a blog. Not sure how long I will stay dedicated to this experiment but there is no harm in trying. If the road to hell is paved with good (or any for that matter) intentions than it will be a glittery trip for me. Be warned, this will be a safe place for my streaming conscience. You may not agree or understand what I am blabbing about but I hope it entertains and only offends slightly.

I can't imagine anyone reading this blog who doesn't already know me but if you are a stranger here is a quick summary of me: I am a 26 year old native capital Georgian. I graduated from The University of Georgia with a BBA in Risk Management. Currently, I am an insurance underwriter for Travelers Insurance Companies. I was born into the Jewish faith but my mother later converted my brother and me to Catholicism. Since I am the only one not confused by this religious dichotomy I am affectionately known as a Cashew. Of course, there are many more nicknames for me but this one oddly makes the most sense. I watch a lot of crap television and some of my favorites include: The Office, 90210 and Rock of Love. Having favorites doesn't preclude me from watching so many more bad shows. It is kind of my thing :) Along with shopping and talking to much. Recently, I adopted a kitten who I named Slinky Mischief (there will be many blogs about her). Slinky and I have 2 roommates: Megan and Grau Grau Meow Meow (GG-roomie's cat who will also be blogged about). We all live together in a 3 bedroom, 1 bath 1950's house in Brookhaven. I have an amazing boyfriend named Patrick who I absolutely adore. I am very fortunate to live within a few miles of some of my best friends and my immediate family. Not sure what the future holds but it will probably continue right here in the Peach State.

Anyhoo, thanks in advance for entertaining me in this blogging adventure and let me know what you think.


  1. Yippee! I have another blog to follow. Congrats J-Merr :)

  2. Fabulous! I'm so very excited! Good luck with your new blogging adventure!!

  3. Congratulations on your first blog! :)
